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Renewable energy refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Unlike traditional energy sources like fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), renewable energy sources are sustainable and have a lower environmental impact. Ask Fibon Energy what would suit your business.

Different types of renewable energy technologies include solar power (photovoltaic and solar thermal), wind power, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, and biomass energy. South Africa is geared toward PV Solar and a handful of companies such as Fibon Energy can provide alternative solutions such as wheeling, or wind-powered solutions.

Renewable energy reliability varies depending on factors such as weather conditions (sunlight, wind), location, and grid integration. Advances in technology and energy storage systems have improved the reliability of renewable energy, making it comparable to or even more reliable than conventional energy sources.

Transitioning to renewable energy can lead to long-term cost savings due to lower operational and maintenance expenses. The return on investment varies based on factors like the type of renewable energy technology, energy consumption, available incentives, and financing options. Fibon Energy Offers a zero Capex on Power purchase agreements (PPAs) allowing you to utilise that expenditure towards other areas in your growing business or residence.

Government offers incentives and tax benefits to promote the adoption of renewable energy. These can include investment tax credits, grants, feed-in tariffs, and renewable energy certificates. The most common for businesses ‘in the south is the 12B Tax incentive that Fibon incorporates into its solutions. However, companies should have their tax advice when reviewing these incentives. Batteries unfortunately are not part of the 12B incentive.

The payback period for recouping the initial investment in renewable energy systems can vary significantly depending on factors like system cost, energy savings, available incentives, and financing options. It can range from year one, a few years to a decade or more.

Renewable energy plays a vital role in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. By replacing fossil fuel-based energy generation, it significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major contributor to climate change.

Yes, renewable energy solutions can be customized to meet the specific needs and energy demands of businesses. Factors like energy requirements, available resources, location, space availability, and budget are considered when designing and implementing renewable energy systems.

Determining the right renewable energy solution involves conducting a comprehensive energy assessment, considering factors like energy consumption patterns, available resources, site-specific conditions, and financial aspects, and consulting with renewable energy professionals.

Maintenance requirements vary depending on the type of renewable energy technology used. Generally, regular inspections, cleaning, and digital monitoring are required to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the system.

The performance and efficiency of renewable energy installations can be measured using indicators such as capacity factor, energy output, system availability, and overall system efficiency. Monitoring systems and data analysis help assess and optimize the performance of renewable energy systems.

Financing options for implementing renewable energy solutions include Bank loans, leases, power purchase agreements (PPAs), and third-party financing. The availability and specifics of financing options depend on a few factors and are specific to your preferred sustainability partner. Generally, a vertically integrated company such as Fibon Energy can provide the best returns and funding options.

Transitioning from traditional energy to renewable energy involves a visit or call from a Fibon NBD manager and requires, assessing current energy consumption, conducting feasibility studies, developing a project plan, securing financing, installation, testing, commissioning, monitoring, and optimizing the renewable energy system.

Yes, renewable energy solutions can be scaled up or expanded as your business grows. Additional capacity can be added by installing more solar panels, and wind turbines, or increasing energy storage capacity such as batteries to meet the growing energy demands. Fibon Energy does a thorough analysis of the client’s needs and aligns its solutions to cater for such implementations.

Renewable energy systems contribute to the resilience and reliability of energy supply by diversifying the energy mix and reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels such as Diesel Gas, petrol, or coal. Distributed renewable energy systems can also enhance resilience by decentralizing energy generation and reducing the risk of widespread power outages.

Adopting renewable energy can have a positive impact on the reputation and branding of your organization. It demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, attracting environmentally conscious customers, investors, and stakeholders. It can differentiate your brand and showcase your dedication to combating climate change.

To ensure regulatory compliance when adopting renewable energy technologies, it’s important to understand and adhere to relevant laws, regulations, permits, and standards. Consulting with renewable energy professionals and legal advisors familiar with the local regulations can help ensure compliance.

Yes, there are numerous case studies and success stories of businesses that have successfully implemented renewable energy solutions. These are usually showcased on the energy provider’s website as proof in support of the claim, however, it is advisable to verify this with the actual client to ensure compliance and customer satisfaction, this can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your organization’s renewable energy journey.

Fibon Energy provides support and monitoring for all our Renewable energy solutions and has a dedicated team tasked to ensure ongoing support and monitoring for your renewable energy systems while you focus on growing your business/residence.  


By partnering with us, you also contribute to a cleaner and greener planet.

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